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Nature, 4 AUG 2022, Volume 608,Issue 7921




Quantized current steps due to the a.c. coherent quantum phase-slip effect


▲ 作者:Rais S. Shaikhaidarov, Kyung Ho Kim, Jacob W. Dunstan, Ilya V. Antonov, Sven Linzen, Mario Ziegler, Dmitry S. Golubev, Vladimir N. Antonov, Evgeni V. Il’ichev & Oleg V. Astafiev

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相关的步骤清晰到26 GHz频率,电流值8.3 nA,并受限于目前的设置带宽。目前的步骤是在30年前的小约瑟夫森连接理论上预测。


▲ Abstract:

The a.c. Josephson effect predicted in 1962 and observed experimentally in 1963 as quantized ‘voltage steps’ (the Shapiro steps) from photon-assisted tunnelling of Cooper pairs is among the most fundamental phenomena of quantum mechanics and is vital for metrological quantum voltage standards. The physically dual effect, the a.c. coherent quantum phase slip (CQPS), photon-assisted tunnelling of magnetic fluxes through a superconducting nanowire, is envisaged to reveal itself as quantized ‘current steps. The basic physical significance of the a.c. CQPS is also complemented by practical importance in future current standards, a missing element for closing the quantum metrology triangle. In 2012, the CQPS was demonstrated as superposition of magnetic flux quanta in superconducting nanowires. However, the direct flat current steps in superconductors, the only unavailable basic effect of superconductivity to date, was unattainable due to lack of appropriate materials and challenges in circuit engineering. Here we report the direct observation of the dual Shapiro steps in a superconducting nanowire. The sharp steps are clear up to 26 GHz frequency with current values 8.3 nA and limited by the present set-up bandwidth. The current steps were theoretically predicted in small Josephson junctions 30 years ago. However, unavoidable broadening in Josephson junctions prevents their direct experimental observation. We solve this problem by placing a thin NbN nanowire in an inductive environment.

Non-Hermitian morphing of topological modes


▲ 作者:Wei Wang, Xulong Wang & Guancong Ma

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▲ Abstract:

Topological modes (TMs) are usually localized at defects or boundaries of a much larger topological lattice. Recent studies of non-Hermitian band theories unveiled the non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE), by which the bulk states collapse to the boundary as skin modes. Here we explore the NHSE to reshape the wavefunctions of TMs by delocalizing them from the boundary. At a critical non-Hermitian parameter, the in-gap TMs even become completely extended in the entire bulk lattice, forming an ‘extended mode outside of a continuum’. These extended modes are still protected by bulk-band topology, making them robust against local disorders. The morphing of TM wavefunction is experimentally realized in active mechanical lattices in both one-dimensional and two-dimensional topological lattices, as well as in a higher-order topological lattice. Furthermore, by the judicious engineering of the non-Hermiticity distribution, the TMs can deform into a diversity of shapes. Our findings not only broaden and deepen the current understanding of the TMs and the NHSE but also open new grounds for topological applications.


Strong yet ductile nanolamellar high-entropy alloys by additive manufacturing


▲ 作者:Jie Ren, Yin Zhang, Dexin Zhao, Yan Chen, Shuai Guan, Yanfang Liu, Liang Liu, Siyuan Peng, Fanyue Kong, Jonathan D. Poplawsky, Guanhui Gao, Thomas Voisin, Ke An, Y. Morris Wang, Kelvin Y. Xie, Ting Zhu & Wen Chen

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▲ Abstract:

Additive manufacturing produces net-shaped components layer by layer for engineering applications. The additive manufacture of metal alloys by laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) involves large temperature gradients and rapid cooling, which enables microstructural refinement at the nanoscale to achieve high strength. However, high-strength nanostructured alloys produced by laser additive manufacturing often have limited ductility. Here we use L-PBF to print dual-phase nanolamellar high-entropy alloys (HEAs) of AlCoCrFeNi2.1 that exhibit a combination of a high yield strength of about 1.3?gigapascals and a large uniform elongation of about 14?per cent, which surpasses those of other state-of-the-art additively manufactured metal alloys. The mechanistic insights into the deformation behaviour of additively manufactured HEAs have broad implications for the development of hierarchical, dual- and multi-phase, nanostructured alloys with exceptional mechanical properties.

Pulsed hydraulic-pressure-responsive self-cleaning membrane


▲ 作者:Yang Zhao, Yuna Gu, Bin Liu, Yujie Yan, Chao Shan, Jian Guo, Shantao Zhang, Chad D. Vecitis & Guandao Gao

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膜上的瞬态液压波动会产生电流脉冲和快速电压振荡(峰值为+5.0/?3.2 V),能够降解和排斥污染物,而不需要补充的化学清洗剂、二次废物处理或进一步的外部刺激。


▲ Abstract:

Pressure-driven membranes is a widely used separation technology in a range of industries, such as water purification, bioprocessing, food processing and chemical production. Despite their numerous advantages, such as modular design and minimal footprint, inevitable membrane fouling is the key challenge in most practical applications. Fouling limits membrane performance by reducing permeate flux or increasing pressure requirements, which results in higher energetic operation and maintenance costs Here we report a hydraulic-pressure-responsive membrane (PiezoMem) to transform pressure pulses into electroactive responses for in situ self-cleaning. A transient hydraulic pressure fluctuation across the membrane results in generation of current pulses and rapid voltage oscillations (peak, +5.0/3.2 V) capable of foulant degradation and repulsion without the need for supplementary chemical cleaning agents, secondary waste disposal or further external stimuli. PiezoMem showed broad-spectrum antifouling action towards a range of membrane foulants, including organic molecules, oil droplets, proteins, bacteria and inorganic colloids, through reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and dielectrophoretic repulsion.

Climate management & Volcanic geology

The challenge of unprecedented floods and droughts in risk management



▲ 作者:Heidi Kreibich, Anne F. Van Loon, Giuliano Di Baldassarre

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▲ Abstract:

Risk management has reduced vulnerability to floods and droughts globally, yet their impacts are still increasing. An improved understanding of the causes of changing impacts is therefore needed, but has been hampered by a lack of empirical data. On the basis of a global dataset of 45?pairs of events that occurred within the same area, we show that risk management generally reduces the impacts of floods and droughts but faces difficulties in reducing the impacts of unprecedented events of a magnitude not previously experienced. If the second event was much more hazardous than the first, its impact was almost always higher. This is because management was not designed to deal with such extreme events: for example, they exceeded the design levels of levees and reservoirs. In two success stories, the impact of the second, more hazardous, event was lower, as a result of improved risk management governance and high investment in integrated management. The observed difficulty of managing unprecedented events is alarming, given that more extreme hydrological events are projected owing to climate change.

Timescales for pluton growth, magma-chamber formation and super-eruptions


▲ 作者:M. E. van Zalinge, D. F. Mark, R. S. J. Sparks, M. M. Tremblay, C. B. Keller, F. J. Cooper & A. Rust

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安第斯地区中部4个中新世火成岩继承锆石和杂胺晶体的年龄表明,从岩体就位开始到超级火山爆发之间的时间间隔为460万年,具有1 百万年的旋回性。结果表明,继承性锆石和杂胺晶体在加入烧成岩岩浆之前,在这些岩体中保存温度<470℃。



▲ Abstract:

Generation of silicic magmas leads to emplacement of granite plutons, huge explosive volcanic eruptions and physical and chemical zoning of continental and arc crust. Whereas timescales for silicic magma generation in the deep and middle crust are prolonged, magma transfer into the upper crust followed by eruption is episodic and can be rapid. Ages of inherited zircons and sanidines from four Miocene ignimbrites in the Central Andes indicate a gap of 4.6?Myr between initiation of pluton emplacement and onset of super-eruptions, with a 1-Myr cyclicity. We show that inherited zircons and sanidine crystals were stored at temperatures <470?°C in these plutons before incorporation in ignimbrite magmas. Our observations can be explained by silicic melt segregation in a middle-crustal hot zone with episodic melt ascent from an unstable layer at the top of the zone with a timescale governed by the rheology of the upper crust. After thermal incubation of growing plutons, large upper-crustal magma chambers can form in a few thousand years or less by dike transport from the hot-zone melt layer. Instability and disruption of earlier plutonic rock occurred in a few decades or less just before or during super-eruptions.

免责声明: 文章源于会员发布,不作为任何投资建议


上一篇 2022年 8月 12日 下午2:20
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