


1. die v. 死

death n. 死亡

He died a slow and painful death.


Death doesn't hold any fear for me.


dead adj. 死的

dying adj. 临死的

It's a dying bird.

deadly adj. 致命的

Some mushrooms contain a deadly poison.有些蘑菇含有致命毒素。

Life in a small town could be deadly dull.小城镇的生活可能会非常没意思。

2. distant adj. 遥远的

Lightning flashed among the distant dark clouds.远处的乌云中电光闪闪。

distance n. 距离,遥远

Alice stood staring into the distance.艾丽斯站着凝视远方。

3. dirt n . 脏, 灰尘

dirty adj. 脏的

The room is full of dirty things.

4. develop v. 发展,进展,培养

It is very important for girls to develop a good study habit.

①development n. 发展,进展

China's economy is developing very rapidly.

②developing adj. 发展中的

China is a developing country.

③developed adj. 发达的

The United States, Canada and Britain are all developed countries.

5. difficult adj. 难的,不易的

It is very difficult for me to learn chemistry and physics well.

Nothing is difficult for those who have a heart

difficulty n. 困难,难事

6. dark adj. 黑的

The little girl is very afraid to walk on a dark night.

darkness n. 黑暗

We yearn for light and hate darkness.

7. direct adj. 直接

direction n. 方向,指示

directly adv. 一直

8. danger n. 危险

dangerous adj. 危险的

It's a dangerous place.

9. discuss v. 讨论,谈论

discussion n. 讨论,谈论

10. discover v. 发现

discovery n. 发现

11. excite v. 激动,兴奋

excited adj. 感到激动/兴奋的

exciting adj. 令人激动/兴奋的

excitedly adv. 激动地,兴奋地

excitement n. 激动,兴奋

12. encourage vt. 鼓励

encouragement n. 鼓励

13. exact adj. 精确的

exactly adv. 正是,就是, 确切

14. enter v. 进入, 走入

entrance n. 入口,入学

15. express v. 表示,表达

expression n. 表示,表达

16. easy adj. 容易

easily adv. 容易地

17. explain v. 解释,说明

explanation n. 解释,说明

18. expect v. 期待,预计

expectation n. 期待,预计

19. edit v. 编辑,校订

editor n. 编辑

edition n. 版本,版

20. educate v. 教育,培养

educated adj. 受过教育的,有教养的

education n. 教育,培养

21. employ v. 雇佣

employer n. 雇佣者,老板

employee n. 雇员

employment n. 雇佣

22. equip v. 提供设备;装备

equipment n. 装.备,设备

23. exist v. 存在

existence n. 存在;存在物

24. fail v. 失败

He failed the math exam.

failure n. 失败

Failure is the mother of success.

25. fright n. 惊吓,害怕

frighten v. 吓唬

frightened adj. 感到害怕的

The little girl was frightened

frightening adj. 令人害怕的

26. free v. 解放adj. 免费的,自由的

This food is free.

freedom n. 自由

Everyone yearns for freedom.

freely adv. 自由自在地

Birds fly freely in the sky.

27. fool n./v. 傻子,愚弄,欺骗

foolish adj. 愚蠢的

28. fortune n. 财产;运气

fortunate adj. 幸运的

fortunately adv. 幸运地

unfortunately adj. 不幸的是

29. friend n. 朋友

He always has many friends.

①friendly adj. 友好的

He is very friendly to everyone.

②friendship n. 友谊,友情

May the friendship between China and North Korea last forever.

30. forget v. 忘记

Don't forget to turn off the light before you go out.

I forgot to give my homework to the teacher.

①forgetful adj. 健忘的,不留心的


adj. 难以忘怀的,难忘的呀

Everyone has an unforgettable childhood.

免责声明: 文章源于会员发布,不作为任何投资建议


上一篇 2023年 2月 20日 上午7:10
下一篇 2023年 2月 20日 上午7:49


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