What is a WFOE inChina?
The term WFOE/ WOEFin china stands for Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise. A WFOE isessentially a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in China, where 100 percent ownership of the company rests with the foreign subsidiary.Maximum investors across the world select the model of WFOE becauseit gives them complete freedom to run the business operations withoutany interference from any local player and, at the same time, able tokeep tight control over their respective Intellectual Property.
Additionally, a WFOEenjoys the same rights and status as a locally registered company inChina except in the areas/sectors mentioned in the Foreign InvestmentIndustries Guidance Catalogue where registration of WFOE isrestricted or prohibited in the country.
The concept of WFOEwas envisioned to attract foreign investment in China, especially intechnology and manufacturing. WFOEs have also turned out to be asignificant source of foreign investment in China, so much that Chinahas surpassed the USA to become the country attracting maximumforeign investment.
The first step inregistering a WFOE in China is defining the scope of the businessactivities. A WFOE can carry out only those business activities thatfall within the scope of the “Specified Business Activities”mentioned in the registration application. The filing for a WFOEregistration takes place with the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) andthe Administration for Industry and Commerce (AIC). The Chinesegovernment has introduced some amendments to the capital requirementsof WFOE.
WFOE capitalrequirements in China
In their effort toattract more foreign capital investment in China, the Chinesegovernment has introduced changes in their company law. Theamendments came in 2014 and removed the minimum capital requirementsfor a WFOE to open a business in China. Before the amendment, theminimum capital requirements ranged from RMB 500,000 to RMB 1million.
After the amendment,no minimum capital requirements are prescribed for any WFOE toregister their business entity in China. However, the capitalrequirement should be sufficient to start the business smoothly.Therefore, industry-specific capital requirements persist whilstregistering WFOE in China.
What is meant byRegistered Capital?
The registeredcapital refers to the amount of cash, assets in the form ofIntellectual Property, etc., invested in running the business. Theregistered capital can be in the form of cash, intellectual property,land, building, equipment etc. or any other asset. Before startingoperations, 20% of the total registered capital must be submitted,which makes up for the minimum amount of capital a WFOE needs tosustainably run its operations in China. Therefore, this amountshould be accordingly decided before generating any income.
As per the newamendment requirements, the registered capital can be infused at anytime during the first 29 years of the business of WFOE. It must benoted that before a WFOE closes its operations, it must ensure thatall the capital is fully paid up.
Ideal WFOE Capitalrequirements in China
As mentioned above,there are no prescribed minimum level requirements for setting up aWFOE in China. However, MOFCOM and AIC do review the proposed capitalamount of a WFOE. The practice prevalent in the industry is choosingthe appropriate level of capital investment and mentioning it in abusiness plan which is submitted to the relevant authority.
The business planshould comprise the future projections, operational structure and theamount of capital required to run the business operations in China.These financial forecasts and the expected expense will be taken intoconsideration by the AIC to make the decision on the amount of WFOEcapital requirements for your business.
Procedure to changeWFOE capital requirements in China
The followingprocedure must be followed to change WFOE capital requirements inChina:
An application isfiled, along with the appropriate reason, with the MOFCOM to increasethe share capital.
Once the approvalhas been obtained from the MOFCOM, another application is filed withthe local AIC.
Approval is soughtfrom the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) to transferthe capital from an overseas account.
An application isfiled with the AIC to reissue the WFOE business license.
It can be concludedfrom the above-mentioned discourse that injecting a sufficient amountof capital is crucial to successfully registering and subsequentlyrunning the business in China. Post-2014 amendments, the Chinesegovernment eliminated the requirement to infuse all the capital atthe beginning of the company’s registration in china. However,the promoters should infuse sufficient capital for the successfulregistration and setting up of a WFOE in China. For gaining moreinsights into WFOE capital requirements in China, please follow us.
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