






The design and printing of the national general grain coupons are exquisite and have high artistic appreciation value, so many people who collect "grain" have lost no time to look around. Because of its long history and limited existence, it is a rare food coupon in the collection world. The original national universal food coupon in 1966 was issued at the early stage of the Cultural Revolution in China. Its investment value is unlimited. After years of consumption, its value is increasingly reflected. In addition, it has special significance and has the potential to explode. To collect food stamps now is to collect future "cultural relics" for the country, which is of historical significance. In 1966, it was very rare to find new and unique food stamps, which was also an important reason for the soaring price. Food stamps are no stranger to many middle-aged people. The grain coupon is a kind of certificate for purchasing grain. Most countries in the world issue stamps, while China is almost the only country that issues grain coupons, and it has been used nationwide for nearly 40 years. Nowadays, food stamps have been withdrawn from the historical stage for decades. As a historical witness of the economic and social development of New China, they have become one of the hot spots in people's collection. The number of types of food stamps in China is known as "the most in the world". More than 2500 cities and counties, as well as some towns and townships, have issued and used various food stamps for planned supply. There are also some large enterprises, factories and mines, farms, schools, governments, organs and other units. Grain coupons are historical products under special economic conditions. They have a wide range of topics, fine printing, time and regional characteristics. The years of erosion have made this kind of unrepeatable ticket cultural relics increasingly rare and rare, which has attracted the attention of collectors at home and abroad for a long time. As China's second "currency", grain coupons reflect the social and economic conditions in various historical periods of China, with more important historical significance. Grain coupons belong to the "dating" collection, and have long since ceased to be issued and circulated. Most of the food stamps in the hands of residents have been consumed in long-term use, and most of the stored food stamps have been destroyed by the food departments at all levels, so the number of food stamps is not large at present. The grain coupon collection has a broad mass base in China, and the national "grain collection" army is developing rapidly. The grain coupon is a kind of grain purchase voucher issued by China in a specific economic period. At that time, food could only be purchased with food coupons. This collection is a national universal grain coupon of Wushijin in 1966. The appearance is complete. The third set of RMB paper is used for the grain coupons. The 1966 national universal grain coupons in this group are all printed with watermark paper. The grain coupons are printed with two versions, namely, the size of solid pentagram and the size of hollow pentagram plus ears of wheat. Grain coupons are historical products under special economic conditions. They have a wide range of topics, fine printing, time and regional characteristics. The years of erosion have made this unrepeatable ticket cultural relic increasingly rare and rare, which has attracted the attention of collectors at home and abroad for a long time. This collection is a national food coupon of five jin in 1966. The products are complete. The third set of RMB paper is used for grain coupons. The earliest types of coupons in China are grain coupons, edible oil coupons, cloth coupons, etc. As a kind of practical securities, grain coupons have been used in China for many years. With the development of society, they have withdrawn from the historical stage and become a new favorite of collectors. For the young generation, food stamps are just heard of, "live" in the mouth of adults. Grain coupon is a kind of grain purchase voucher issued under the specific economic development environment in China, which has a certain historical significance and commemorative significance, and has high collection value.

免责声明: 文章源于会员发布,不作为任何投资建议


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